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Consular Processing

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Consular Processing

Consular processing is the process by which people outside the U.S. get an immigrant visa in order to come to the U.S. and be admitted as permanent resident. Some of the most common avenues for consular processing are through petitions filed by a family member or employer. Others become permanent residents by first obtaining refugee or asylum status, or through a number of other special provisions. Rehoboth Law has a wealth of experience with consular processing and is ready to assist you.

Client Testimonials On Consular Processing

Teresa A.

I am very pleased to endorse Attorney Benny of Rehoboth Law. The quality of her knowledge on immigration law is excellent. Not only did she complete and submit our request to USCIS in a timely manner but she kept us informed as the process went on. She handles each case professionally, efficiently and in a courteous manner. I highly recommend Rehoboth Law for anyone with immigration needs.